Thursday, August 30, 2012



Again, unfortunately I am a little short on time due to a very important email I had to send out again.  But!  Lots of news.

First.  I am transferring!  Transfer calls came in earlier this morning and I am be transferred to Toledo 1 in Cebu as a Zone Leader.  My new companion is Elder Barcellano, who was in my very first district.  He is awesome and I am excited to be with him as a companion.  I am also excited to go back to Cebu where I can attend the temple every month again.  I know I am leaving Valencia in good hands, as Elder Mejos is becoming a trainer in this area.

To answer Mom's question about teaching less-active members.  It has to be completely through the Spirit.  Every single person is different, and even though we plan each night and morning for the lessons to come, they frequently are changed by the Spirit as we teach.  I want to share a story about that this week.

I had a really powerful spiritual experience the other day. We were on our way to our last appointment of the night, and while on the hablehable (motorcycle PUB) a thought entered my mind. It was more of a remembrance of a family that we hadn't gotten to visit yet. It was not a powerful or even audible whispering from the Spirit, yet I followed it none-the-less. I told the hablehable driver to stop and we changed course. When we got to the Madronero family's house, I wasn't sure what to teach, or even what their needs were, and Elder Mejos had never even met them before, but I felt that we needed to be there, so we sat down and began. I volunteered to say the opening prayer, and while doing so, I opened up my heart to Father in Heaven, willing that He would guide us as we taught. Mid-way through the prayer I received a very audible whispering from the Spirit accompanied with a power confirmation from the Holy Ghost, that we needed to focus on the Book of Mormon. I finished the prayer and lifted my head. I looked at the family for a couple seconds, waiting, and then I received a second prompting, like the one during my prayer, and I knew exactly what to say and ask. We chastised them for not reading as they should be and taught of the power that comes through feasting on the words of God. Every single thing we said sunk deep into their hearts and even though Elder Mejos had never met them before, the inspired words that came out of his mouth were perfect. The Spirit was very powerful, and our investigators were inspired by Him. We did not only teach with the Spirit, but He taught through us. Our words were His words, and we were transformed into mouthpieces.  Each lesson is different, some need to be guided by the spirit more while other less active members just need a friendly reminder, but love and patience is always key.  There is no 1 best way to go about it, besides worthiness and faith.

We haven't been able to go back to the Dutch woman again since she is currently going to college in the city and only comes home on weekends, but we are going to go back this weekend.  Teaching in English is tough though.  During our first conversation I had to keep mixing in Bisayan words and phrases because I couldn't remember my English.  Luckily she has lived here since she was 7 and is fluent in Bisayan herself.  That is probably what the Elders here will teach in when they go back this weekend.  I leave for my new area tomorrow.

I'm happy you all got to see everyone in VA again.  I miss them too.  I love you all!

Elder Garver

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