Thursday, November 29, 2012


This computer is really testing my patience today.  Goodness gracious.
I had no idea that the hurricane was actually that bad over there!  That is ridiculous to hear.  I'm so grateful that you are all ok and that you were all protected from the really bad stuff.  Good choice of house, Mom and Dad.  I'm always praying for you all.

How is Crystal doing?  I don't know exactly what the chemo process is, but I know it's really tough.  Please keep me updated on how she is doing as well.

This week is transfer week, and Elder Olojan and I spent the entire week getting things ready for the new sister missionaries coming into our zone.  We split our area and rearranged area boundaries in the zone, bought a ton of furnishings for the new apartment, drove down to Cebu a couple times for money and a truck to move all the stuff into the house, worked out the rent and advance payment with the landlord of the new apartment, and signed contracts and tax forms.  We now need to go organize the apartment and get it all nice and fancy for the sisters before they come in on Friday.  It was sure fun driving that pick up truck through the mountains getting to and from Cebu.  The drive is amazing, and I'm taking you on it when you come out Mom and Dad.
This brings me to some big news.  Well, kind of big I guess,  Because of the new change in the mission and the huge surge of missionaries coming to our mission, I most likely going to be extending about 4 weeks to help everything transfer in smoothly.  I don't know for sure yet since it really depends on President Schmutz.  If I do though, I'll be coming home in July some time.

This transfer is pretty exciting for me.  Elder Olojan is transferring out after just 6 weeks and I am training a new ZL in Toledo named Elder Fudge.  He is my junior batch and I was with him in the MTC.  I'm excited to be companions with him.  There are a lot of other cool happenings in the mission due to the age change.  There is another zone being opened up, as well as more mission leaders being called to fill that zone.  It is a pretty exciting time out here.

This computer is being belligerent  so I'm going to just have to send you pictures next week.  And no, I really don't remember what that adjective means.  I just threw that in there because it popped into my head.  Hopefully it kinda makes sense a little bit sorta.

I love you all!  Stay safe.
Elder Garver

p.s.  our phones there don't have SIM cards do they?  If so, you can buy REALLY nice phones out here for really cheap.

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